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tv   9 News Now at 6am  CBS  October 5, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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in spots. you might need a little jacket or sweatshirt but a fantastic day. a look outside and we've got good visibility this morning. 62 in washington but 50s in the suburbs with the exception by the way, it's warm there 68 in annapolis. noon 77 and 5:00 80. our high today mid-afternoon about 83. here are some of the high clouds south and east of us, otherwise it's clear overhead. the cool spots down in the lower 50s places like luray and even harrisonburg worst case. annapolis now down to 66 with 59 pax river and also in leesburg. sunshine all day long. temperatures about 10, maybe 12 degrees above seasonal averages in the low 80s. now with beverly farmer with the latest timesaver traffic. howard, building volume on the interstates now big deals. it's the secondary roadways with issues. eastbound 66 any volume into vent civil is just that. but there's the stretch of bristow road closed in prince william countyjust north of
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234 with an overturned vehicle. also fairfax county on rolling road closed that's an accident with the a ewe pill pole struck. northbound 395 your lanes are open to the 14th street bridge. a stretch of south glebe road in arlington east of 395 between arlington ridge and route 1 still going to be tied up. police are directing you around the crash there. travel on 270 southbound out of frederick the volume stretches urbanna to get past 109 and all lanes are open on the stretch down to the beltway. incident-free maryland beltway. next timesaver traffic is at 6:11. mike back to you. all right, thanks bev. we're following breaking news this morning out of israel. police say an american tourist opened fire at a resort on the red sea. they say he killed at least one person before israeli forces shot and killed him. they don't know where the american tourist was from or what motivated the shooting. we'll bring you update, as soon as we get them. okay, other news now
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there's an itchy scratchy problem at the university of maryland. bedbugs at one of the resident halls. >> this isn't the first time either. there's been a problem like this on campus. kristin fisher is live in college park with the story this morning. good morning to you kristin. >> reporter: good morning jessica. good morning mike. well the management company that runs the dorm the capstone management company says they are aware of this bedbug problem and that they're actively working to fix it. but students say it's not happening fast enough. and they're worried that it's actually starting to affect their schoolwork and let me show you why. take a look at the kinds of living conditions that these students are having to deal with. their clothes are being kept in garbage bags, the beds have been stripped of sheets and they've had to vacate their apartments for several hours while the exterminators come in and try to rid their units of bedbugs. so far the problem is confined to just two units in the south campus common 7. but even the management company calls the
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issue an increasing problem on campus. >> i just feel like a little bit more needs to be done to take care of it and less than six weeks because we can't keep living like this. >> it's not a place to stay. we're all stressed. i'm continuing to get bitten. it's painful and itchy to be bitten by the insects and we can't focus on what we're here today is to be students at maryland. >> reporter: all right, so how would you like to wake up with bites like this all over your body? those students that you gist heard from say part of their frustration stems from the fact they feel it's taking too long for the common staff to take action. in fact, one of the girls you just heard from said she actually had to capture a bedbug to prove that her apartment was infested to finally get the common staff to send the exterminators out. so an e-mail has finally been sent out to the students at common 7 notifying them of the problem and all the students are being asked to commit a work order the second that they feel that their apartment may
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be infested with bedbugs. but, you know these things spread very quickly. the good news here it's confined to just two units. let's just hope it says that way -- stay that is way and doesn't spread -- stays that way and doesn't spread through the entire building. jessica? >> kristin fisher live in college park this morning. we're waiting to hear from fairfax county police if they have any new leads in the search for bryan glenn. he's the 17-year-old who vanished on monday. he was last seen at a dunkin' donuts in fairfax. his car was found tuesday at the park. police closed the park yesterday so they could search for any clues in the case but right now it doesn't appear they've found anything new. well, for so many months there was a fence around it and now it was open and once again the reflecting pool at the lincoln memorial is going to go dry. crews are draining it again to get rid of the algae which took over the landmark. surae chinn explains how they're trying to do that. >> reporter: they began draining the water wednesday. >> we are going to do it as
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quickly as possible. >> reporter: they're hosing off and scrubbing away the green muck. >> what'd you guys see out here? at the pool? >> i seen a lot of algae. >> reporter: it's not what the kids from landon and holden arms school in bethesda were hoping to see on the class trip. >> now all i see is tons of green stuff in the water. >> it's frustrating we had to do this so quickly but it's a maintenance problem and we're going to get it right when the water goes back in. we're going to get it right so it will look beautiful. >> reporter: the landmark had just reopened at the end of august after a two year hiatus. the national park service uses a gas or ozone to kill the algae and now have doubled the dose. but the fix doesn't come in time for teases armstrong's field trip. >> maybe next time. >> reporter: on the national mall, surae chinn, 9news now. >> the two year renovation project of the reflecting pool reengineered the water so it came from the tidal basin instead of city drinking water but again they have to deal
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with the algae problem. montgomery county lawmakers are giving the plastic bag tax another look. right now you have to pay a nickel. county council president says the tax may have hit too many kind of retailers. and it may need to be narrowed since the tax was put in place january 1st, it brought in nearly $170,000 a month for the county. the time right now is 6:06. and i am watching your money. the september unemployment report comes out this morning. economists predict 110,000 jobs were added in the last month but they believe the ton employment rate -- the unemployment rate will go up to 8.2%. that's up one tenth of a percent from last month. in the meantime mortgage rates once again hitting record lows. freddie mac has the average three year rate at 3.36%. they have led more homeowners to refinance and that could potentially help jump-start the economy. in the last few minutes
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"consumer reports" issued the results of its tests on the iphone 5. it compared the new phone to the android. "consumer reports" found that since the iphone 5 is now on the 4g network it is as fast as the android phones but it criticized the screen. apple's 4-inch screen is its biggest yet but doesn't compare to the biggest screens on android devices. with navigation, apple loses out here as well. >> android has more detailed maps. better traffic info. and more custom sixth. apple has a new glitches. >> at the end of the day the new iphone comes out on top for the voice recognition with siri. the iphone also has better photo and video quality than android and with all of its improvements the iphone 5 is now among "consumer reports'" top rated phones. it is 6:07. almost 6:08. in five minutes we have the latest in the presidential campaign. both candidates guess where
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they're going? virginia again. >> i wonder why. battleground state. howard says today will be a 10 out of 10. clear skies, warm temperatures. but a change is coming your way. your weather first is coming up next.
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welcome back. howard bernstein here with your weather first on this friday morning. there's a little chill in the air. we've got some 50s in the suburbs but what a beautiful day we're going to have. by noon sunny 77. high today about 83 and still gorgeous at 80 at 5:00. i'll be back in just a few minutes with changing weekend forecast. howard, southbound 270 it's the volume leaving urbanna to hyattstown that slows things down. get past the truck scales and the pace is better. earlier accidents in gaithersburg still on the shoulder without causing delay the rest of the trip down to rockville. your next timesaver traffic at 6:17. jessica back to you. thanks we've. the time right now is 6:11 on this friday morning and here's a check on the stories making news. american airlines is already canceled at least 44 flights today. has to do with another round of repairs on seats in its 757 aircraft. the seats have been coming loose mid-flight because of a faulty bolt. fortunately though no one has been hurt in any of these
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incidents. free birth control -- excuse me -- leads to lower rates of abortion in teenage births. there's a study from the journal and it tracks 9,000 lower income women in st. louis and it found that teenage birthrate with free contraception was 80% less than the national average. dorothy's ruby slippers from the "wizard of oz" are leaving the smithsonian and going to a museum in london. there will be a farewell ceremony on tuesday. the shoes are just on loan though. they will be coming back. if you need any proof that virginia is an important state during the presidential election all you need to do is look at the campaign scheduled for today -- schedules for today. >> both major presidential candidates will be in the commonwealth. it's the second time in two weeks they've both been here. >> been here plenty of times even before that. president obama at george mason university in fairfax. mitt romney in abingdon, virginia. as susan mcginnis reports romney is now talking about a
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topic which never came up at wednesday night's debate. >> reporter: mitt romney now says he was wrong when he said 47% of americans feel entitled to government handouts and don't take responsibility for their lives. he previously called his comment inelegant but defended it. however, last night, romney told fox news -- >> reporter: romney's solid debate performance gave him a new spark on the campaign trail. before an estimated 10,000 people in virginia, he kept up his attacks on the president. >> what you didn't hear last night from the president is why it is the next four years are going to possibly be better than the last four years. >> reporter: the obama campaign admits it needs a change in strategy for the next two debates. president obama held back from attacking romney during the debate but that changed when he returned to the campaign trail. >> i almost got to watch out.
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>> reporter: the president attacked romney's plan to cut subsidies to pbs and he said romney's positions were so different from what he said in the past he didn't even recognize who he was debating. >> whoever it was on stage last night doesn't want to be held accountable for what the real mitt romney has been saying for the last year. >> reporter: and again vice president biden gave the romney campaign another nugget to jump on. >> obama and biden want to raise taxes by $1 trillion. guess what? yes, we do. >> reporter: biden says the superwealthy need to pay more in taxes. romney says that would kill jobs. in washington, susan mcginnis, 9news now. >> forget the elephants for republicans and donkeys for democrats. there's an election going on in the dog and cat. the washington animal rescue league has this an its website. take a look right there. if you want to cast a vote for bark obama, he's the tricolor
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hound for south carolina. there's also mittns romney. 8-week-old little kitty cat. here's what you do. you go to and you can pick your animal. >> cute, very very cute. >> love it. >> that's election you could probably vote over and over and over. exactly. >> there's a limit. >> exactly. well, good morning, beautiful out there this morning. got a cool crisp start to the day and we're going to have temperatures this afternoon which are going to be just awesome into the low 80s. we start with the bus stop forecast for you on this friday morning and we're looking at temps as i said cool. crisp and 50s and 60s with generally clear skies and a pretty moon out there this morning. sunrise at about 7:08. it sets like around 6:45 this afternoon effort for the day planner, well, we are looking at sunshine. 77 by noon. 3:00 temp 81 and by 6:00. we've got temps in the upper
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70s. the high today about 83 but this morning low to mid-50s out in many of the suburbs and central virginia out toward the shenandoah valley. 57 in hagerstown. we've got 60 in baltimore and outside on our michael & son weather camera, it's al good looking morning out there. good visibility still quite dark as yeah it's going to be another quite not an hour until sunrise. 62 officially at reagan national with calm winds and the relative humidity at 78%. nationally there's a big cold air mass coming down from canada. casper, wyoming eight now excuse me this afternoon will only be 40 degrees. you see that cooler mooing in. st. louis 52 and that cooldown comes to dallas tomorrow. to nashville as well. into new york state and much of pennsylvania. we're still going to be in the 70s tomorrow but by sunday, that's when this air mass takes over and we'll be in the mid 50s and it's not going to be sunny and delightful. some unfortunately some rain around here. here's our futurecast. no problems today. sunshine. front is well north and west of us. 5:45 it's going to be
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fantastic, a few showers in pennsylvania. ohio tonight. toward tomorrow morning. now midday tomorrow, we're still all right maybe a few more clouds than in the morning. but in the afternoon, couple of showers are going to pop and it looks like south and southeast of town, better chance than let's say north and northwest here into the evening hours. and then with the cool air in place sunday, southwest flow on the open of the cool their -- top of the cool air that produces the showers and rain and kind of the yuckiness. but we can always use the rain. always an upside here. 83 today and tonight 50s and 60s. upper 70s tomorrow. that's in d.c.. north and west low 70s and maybe 80s south and east but the afternoon shower possible. yellow alert sunday. the coolness and wetness. 55 degrees. then by monday columbus day, sun returns and 62. let's go over to beverly farmer at 6:17. she's got timesaver traffic. interstates building volume including northbound on 95 as you head up past the prince william parkway across the occoquan getting into newington. fairfax county police though have a stretch of rolling road closed south of the fairfax
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county parkway with an accident. vehicle that struck a pole. that's going to be closed for a little while. also in arlington a stretch of south glebe road hung up between route 1 and south arlington ridge near south hayes street. police will direct you around that incident. eastbound 66 there have been volume delays making your way in past both manassas, fair oaks and into vienna. all lanes are open as you come into the roosevelt bridge. outer loop of the beltway maryland starting to bog down on a couple of stretches west of new hampshire around to university boulevard. next timesaver traffic 6:25. mike back to you. thanks bev. see new a little bit. we have a commuter alert for you this morning. heads-up to weekend drivers in northern virginia. part of the northbound george washington parkway is going to be closed. it will be shut down between spout run park ray and chain bridge rose -- parkway and chain bridge road. you have to get off at spout run and then follow the detour signs. they should reopen by monday morning and expect more
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closures though in the same area coming up later this month. the time right now is 6:18. next in sports more honors for rg3 and the baseball playoffs begin tonight. >> right now it's time to get another check of the question of the morning. here we go -- >> jenny is weighing in on this one on the facebook timeline. she says -- >> keep the guesses cooling. you'll find out -- coming. you'll find out if you're right at 6:53.
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welcome back. 6:22. your weather first and we have a beautiful day underway. a little cool and crisp now but it's going to be fantastic this afternoon. got the clear skies. they're going to turn into sunny skies here shortly. just a little bit after 7:00.
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by lunchtime, we're going to be in the mid- to upper 70s and winds switching around to the southwest this afternoon. that will give us a high about 83. and a drive home temperature still gorgeous around 80. speaking of gorgeous, here's mike and jessica. oh hello handsome. thank you. you are gorgeous. >> would you stop? >> hi gorgeous. in sports the redskins have a pretty big challenge this weekend. they are hosting the unbeaten atlanta falcons. >> also have a seven game home losing streak do the redskins. but that ends on sunday. kickoff is at 1:00. >> hopefully rg3 is going to come through for the skins. he was named nfl offensive rookie of the month on wednesday. the skins are averaging the third mostpoints in the league mostly because of him. >> in every game, we put up a lot of yards. we just got to you know make sure we continue to try to put up more and more points. you know the game it's still football. it's fun. and if it's a lot more fun winning than it's always that way. but you know it's still football and i mean it's a dream come true. >> a lot more fun when rg3 is
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here too. arizona cardsals undefeated no more. they were facing off against the st. louis rams in st. louis last night. sam bradford only completed seven passes, two of them were for touchdowns. the rams topped the cards 17463 and arizona fall -- 17-3 and arizona falls to 4-1 and st. louis is now 3-2. the nats are going to sit and watch and wait tonight. tomorrow they're going to take off the either atlanta or st. louis for the first round of the playoffs on sunday. depend on which of the teams wins tonight's wild card play- in game. first pitch just after 5:00 this afternoon. and the a. l. wild card game tonight, the orioles will take on the texas rangers. o's are already in texas getting ready for tonight. now the rangers won the season series five games to two. first pitch 8:30 tonight. winner of the game hosts the yankees on sunday. 6:24. straight ahead the latest on a deadly meningitis outbreak and it is affecting people in our area. >> and check this out.
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gas, at $5.69 a gallon? learn where prices have gone this high and why. >> and before you grab the keys and jump in your vehicle, listen to beverly farmer with a check on traffic. >> right now we're looking pretty decent out there as far as the interstates are concerned. no major deals on the 95 corridor heading in order. lanes will be open for you. a complete look at your timesaver traffic coming up. we'll be right back. good friday morning. you're watching 9news now.
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and we are back.
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happy friday. if you're just waking up. this is the place you can always get your weather first. there's a live look at the washington monument. beautiful morning out there. we have temperatures in the 60s. how many? >> in the 60s. >> in the 60s. >> all right. >> yeah. it's going to be nice. >> thanks for starting your day with us! >> i'm jessica doyle, andrea roane is off today. >> and i'm mike hydeck, andrea roane is off today celebrating her birthday. howard bernstein is out on the weather terrace. >> it is going to be -- mike it may be the best day of the month actually the way things are going with the much colder air in here by the time we get to sunday you'll need if jackets and rain gear. a lot different. so i urge you to get out and take advantage of the beautiful weather while it's still around. here's a look the day planner on this -- at the day planner on the friday morning. still kind of dark, another 35 minutes or so until the sunrise but a beautiful moon
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approaching the third quarter moon overhead. noon 77-degrees with sunshine and this afternoon high about 83 and 5:00 still be holding on to 80 degrees. that sunset 6:44. you're looking at high cloudiness across areas in southeastern virginia and the delmarva. otherwise it is a pretty clear quiet morning out there. very comfortable. beautiful and culpeper and luray at 52. 50 cumberland. but milder on the bay with annapolis at 66-degrees and we're sitting at 62. that's the number you were looking for earlier mike. 62. this afternoon the average high 72, 73. we'll beat that with 82 in easton culpeper 83. maybe in the upper 70s in hagerstown and gorgeous here 83. i'll be back in a few minutes talking about the weekend. right now here's beverly farmer in for monika with timesaver traffic. howard, interstates headed northbound 95, we're doing just volume right now really as you come into quantico heading up past the prince william
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parkway. pace is good into woodbridge. a stretch of rolling road shut down south of the fairfax county parkway with a crash. southbound 95 though long holiday weekend you may be going down to richmond. roadwork still there place around thornburg around the 118- mile marker and only one lane getting by with an unusual delay. the eastbound 66 a little bit of volume in manassas. getting in to falls church the hov lanes kick in right about now but the pace is good on to the teddy roosevelt bridge. the volume is building west of new hampshire avenue on the outer loop getting through the silver spring interchanges. next timesaver traffic is at 6:42. mike and jessica back to you. thanks bev. just about four weeks away from election day now and the president and mitt romney both again are campaigning in virginia. >> and both candidates are still adjusting following wednesday's debate. "cbs this morning" has that story. norah o'donnell joins us live from northwest washington with a preview.
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good morning to you. >> reporter: hey good morning mike and jessica. you mentioned it. president obama tries to fight back after being slammed for his debate performance. but he may have to deal with disappointing news about jobs today. most economists expect the slight increase in the unemployment rate today. plus, big bird where you least expect him from late night to social media. how the 43-year-old 8'0" tall creature is stealing the political spotlight. we're all having some fun on this friday. we'll see you right at 7:00. you can't not love big bird. don't pick on big bird. thanks. >> that's right. well, we're just one month into the school year and there is a nasty problem inside a university of maryland residence hall. we're talking about bedbugs. >> yeah, and this isn't the first time this building in south campus commons has dealt with the creepy crawllies. kristin fisher live in college park. she describes the story. clothes in garbage bags and all. good morning kristin! good morning mike. when you're in a dorm you're in
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very close quarters with lots of other students. >> reporter: the good news here is that for right now the bedbug problem is confined to just two units but students are worried especially since we're talking about a dorm here the problem can spread very, very quickly. now some of the students in the affected apartment say they are still waking up with bites like this all over their bodies. even after the exterminators have come in. now the company that runs the dorms the capstone management company says they are aware of this issue and they are working to fix it. but at the same time, they also describe this as an increasing problem at common 7. >> the common buildings in general are known for their cleanliness. cleaning hallways and cleaning the elevators and main lobbies. it's known for its cleanliness. when i saw bedbugs i was really taken aback by that. >> they expect us to stay there but for the treatment is not finished the problem is not
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fixed. >> reporter: it's especially difficult because just look at how these students are having to live during the six weeks it takes for exterminators to get rid of the bedbugs. keep their clothes in garbage bags, they've had to move their furniture away from the walls and they've had to vacate their apartments for several hours every time the exterminators come in once every two weeks. not only are they having to deal with getting bit at night but now they're saying it's starting to affect their schoolwork during the day. and now they're just hoping that this problem stays confined to those two units and doesn't spread throughout that entire building. nasty stuff. mike? >> happy friday enjoy your breakfast. thanks kristin. she was live in college park, maryland this morning. well, health providers in two dozen states are now scrambling. they're trying to reach out to patients who may be at risk for contracting meningitis. it was spread through a steroid injection given to people who were dealing with back pain at
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the time. these injections had a deadly fungus in it which carries meningitis. five people have died from this including one in maryland and in virginia. there is a federal investigation now as to -- as well as a state one in maryland. officials there say there's no risk to the public thanks to action by health clinics who used those bad injections. >> all of them have pulled the implicated lots of the product and they are in the process of contacting their patients any patients they think may have been exposed to the product. >> now it can take a month for people infected with this type of meningitis to show symptoms. but it's not contagious. fairfax police released a screech of a man wanded for fondling -- wanted for fondling at least seven women in springfield. this happened tuesday on hibbling avenue and it was bold. the suspect groped a woman in front of her daughter. another woman was groped on the same street two weeks earlier.
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delegate holmes norton foured fort totten park -- toured fort totten park after several people were robbed. for years they have been using a path but a recent spike in crime has residents concerned. delegate norton is calling on the national park service to step up patrols in the area. families who lost loved ones during the sniper shootings here in the d.c. area ten years ago gathered to remember the victims. this was a vigil last night at goshen united methodist church in gaithersburg. ten people were killed and three others were wounded before john allen muhammad and lee malvo were caught. they're still receiving moral support from the community even a decade later. >> people would just come up to us and send us condolences and help with you know the church. co-workers, friends, family. strangers. and that's how strong our community is and we would just like to thank everyone. >> john allen muhammad was
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executed in 2009. lee malvo is serving a life? prison in prison -- in prison sentence. gas stations in california are running dry. their supply problems because of outages in refineries and pipelines, places with gas are seeing prices skyrocket. this station near malibu has regular grade for get in $5.69 a gallon. across california gas prices are up an average of 18 cents in the last week. we feel bad for them but while prices in california go up, ours are going down. aaa says regular grade gas in the d.c. metro area now averages $3.74 a gallon. that's down 6 cents in the last month. nationwide, the average is at $3.79 a gallon. all right, it is coming up on 6:38. we're smiling because the people from ben's chili bowl are here this morning. nine minutes away you will learn about this weekend's chili eating contest and we'll get some tips from a world
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champion chili eater. >> that sounds like a lot of fun. so does this, we have some music to get your beautiful day started. howard says it's going to be sunny and low humidity and highs near 80. gorgeous but a change is coming. so time to dance this friday morning. stay with 9news now. ♪
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good friday morning, welcome back to 9news now. it's 6:42.
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we're 62 degrees. i'm beverly farmer in for monika this morning. checking your ride, outer loop you head to the wilson bridge through alexandria. everything open for you. anen accident on the right shielder in the local lanes will not cost you much time. the inner loop still running freely to the wilson bridge. travelers on the 95 corridor: 395, volume building into woodbridge getting into newington and on 395 through landmark but the pace is still good to the 14th street bridge. a stretch of rolling road closed south of the fairfax county parkway with a crash that took out a utility pole. south glebe road police will direct you between route 1 and arlington ridge. a crash there earlier. an accident has been clears in prince william county north of dumfries 234 and police have just cleared that out of the way which is good news. just southbound on 270, the volume delays frederick county take you from urbanna to hyattstown. more volume building in jermantown but everything is open there. word of a crash in prince george's county on 301 at governor bridge road. police are responding and route 1 in elkridge is going to be
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blocked at least partially north of montgomery road with a crash. next timesaver traffic 6:58. howard how about that forecast? >> oh, a beautiful beautiful morning. what a beautiful shot at the capitol here on our michael & son weather camera this morning. just a couple of clouds to the east. a little pink in the sky and we're loving it. 50s and 60 this has morning. a little cool and a great day. by noon 77 and by 5:00, we'll be at 80 and winds turn southwest at 5 to 10 and mid- afternoon high right about 83. but this morning, there's a crispness a fall crispness out there. with 53 in reston getting some color and by the way if you're wondering if there's jupiter by the noon overhead. 57 rockville and 55 bowie and down south fort belvoir 54 and college park not reporting right now. hopefully get back online soon and upper marlboro 58. again looking outside. gorgeous 62 degrees at reagan national under clear skies with calm winds. humidity 78%. dew points in the 50s. but it's going to be great
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today and still on the warmer side of things tomorrow. look at the colder air that's coming. today's high in casper only 40. 45 business mark, these temperatures -- bismarck. these temperatures will scoot to the south and east with nashville only 62. in the 70s for us saturday but by sunday look at the 50s in the northeast and mid-atlantic and even in the carolinas, agains bro and west on 40 to nashville looking at temperatures tomorrow staying -- excuse me sunday in the 50s. so today, sunny. warm it is going to be fantastic this afternoon. trekking up to pennsylvania and new york and ohio for the weekend you will run into the showers a lot earlier. tomorrow afternoon we may see a shower as the cooler air moves in by evening and then sunday, cold and raw. relative to where we have been. today 83. gorgeous. tonight 50s and 60 ever again. tomorrow 78 and afternoon shower or two. perhaps a better chance south and east of town. then sunday we go from the 70s into the 50s for highs and only
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55 but there's quite a few showers around and then better by columbus day. back to 62. jess and mike? save some for me. >> you're gemmous aren't you howard bernstein? this weekend it's taste of d.c. in northwest washington. ben's chili bowl is going to be there holding is chili eating contest. we've got kamal ali if ben's which is here. we have stuart martin with a taste of d.c. and matt is going to teach us how to be a chili eating competitor. >> first let's start with stuart. how many and how to people connect and find where they are and how do you sort of participate? >> 70 plus restaurants all on pennsylvania avenue between the capitol and white house. get on and you can check out the restaurants and get tickets and the activities that are planned for the weekend and come on out. >> what kind of deals are there? one ticket for the whole event? >> one ticket for the entire
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event. if you get online and purchase before friday. before tonight, you can get your prepurchased price and then $10 at the door. >> oh wow not bad. you can taste each one of them and move your way down the street so to speak and hopefully go for a run afterwards. >> and we here at channel 9 of course are big ben's chili bowl begans, is chili contest there? >> we're going to have joey chestnut and sonya the black widow coming back for a second time. the guy last year ate two gallons of chili in six minutes. but saturday an amateur competition at 4:30 and sunday a military for the first time competition too and our pro competition is at 3:00. >> that's fantastic and matt is here. he's going to show us how we get this done. take it away matt. >> all right great. i've been in training for a couple of days now. i've been preparing my body and stretching my stomach a little bit. when the competition starts, you can't drink from the bowl. you have to use the spoon.
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>> okay. >> so it's going to be important you really don't have time to chew. you kind of just have to pour the chili down your throat and sort of just chug it down. >> are you going to show us how it's done here? >> yes i'm going to give it a try. >> let the chili fly. >> never too early for ben's chili bowl. >> are you devoid of spice? try to keep it as mild as you can? you don't season it before you try this onslaught do you? >> no, i won't season it for the competition but i'm an expert in spices kind of. i don't have a problem with spices. >> let's see you take this bowl down. >> oh my gosh. >> oh wow. >> oh my gosh. >> oh -- my goodness. there he goes. >> all right. wow. >> you can enjoy the taste of d.c. in a much more -- >> well done. your first debut on television and you've got chili all over your face. we appreciate. >> thank you some. we really appreciate it. what's the website again? >> head out there saturday, a fantastic day.
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70 restaurants along pennsylvania avenue. we are headed the break, we'll -- to break, we'll be right back.
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welcome back. 6:52. your weather first. beautiful day ahead. cool and crisp this morning. 50s and 60s but sunny, 77 at noon with a high of 83 enjoy this one. michael? okay, howard, thank you sir. friday, october 5th. dan's last day. here's a check of the news before you go. presidential campaign trail across virginia today. president obama will be at george mason university this morning. mitt romney will be in abingdon, virginia. the polls show the race is a close one right now. one person jumped from a burning building last night and was seriously hurt. three others hospitalized after this fire it was along hay street near first street northwest. the baltimore orioles are
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ready for their first playoff appearance in 15 years. they will take on the texas rangers tonight in the a. l. wild card game. the nationals will play the winner of the nl wild card game on sunday. time right now is 6:53. and we're going to answer the question of the morning -- >> and the answer is a., class ring and a million years i thought it was going to be overalls or the team jersey. >> your overalls are safe mike hydeck. go ahead and let that flag fly. one more check of traffic and weather right after this.
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one more sort of sad thing before we go. one of our favorite people at channel 9 who has been here for
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a long time. dan -- >> producer dan. >> producer dan. >> our 6:00 a.m. producer is leaving us. today is his last day. >> yes, he's going off to boston, he's going to be working at national public radio doing a fantastic job for them. like he's done for us say hi. >> there he is. >> hi dan. >> you got a surprise dan! >> he hates that we know that. >> he knew that was coming and that was that big surprise. -- that was no big surprise. but we're going to miss him. crisp writing and great sense of humor. the great music you hear in the shows? >> all because of dan. >> dan is on top of that. clever a little sarcastic. >> we love it. >> seven and a half years i call dan my work husband and i can't believe he's breaking up with me. i never going to get over it. at least until -- i know right? >> but the best thing going to boston he can stop by michael's and get some of the chocolate filled -- >> pastries. >> the pastries.
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>> north end. the chocolate cannoli the best. >> you can send some back to us. >> you will remain loyal to his nationals and we are not the only ones who want to say good- bye to dan. there's a few special people. take a listen. >> hey dan, so i understand you're heading on up to old boston territory. i know a little bit about that. by the way the nats will be missing their biggest fan. >> hey dan thank you for hanging in with us every morning at 6:00. hope you have the best of times when you get to boston but you can't take the nationals with you. so what are you going to do? >> we just wanted to add our list of congratulations. we were talking about you dan in the commercial break saying is he really going to switch en route for the red sox -- and road for the red sox? we decided not even close. >> of course dan i say it's okay if you root for the red sox. you have to choose when they play each other. we'll miss you in the mornings and best of luck to you but know you'll have a great time in boston. >> thank you for all you did
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for us. >> cheering you on. bye. >> dan you can't leave. >> 45 still doing his job. >> well, weather is fine. i mean it's going to be beautiful today. sunday, football game on. got some rain -- and showers in the mid 50s. but it will be great for high school games tonight. beverly? southbound side of 270. some volume delays. outer loop of the beltway through greenbelt everything is open through kenilworth. usual drill around to silver spring in good shape there. look at the pace really nice there in greenbelt. the ride for 66 drivers. you're incident-free getting into centreville. back to you guys. and you know happy birthday to andrea roane. >> i know! happy birthday in person. excellent. okay, "cbs this morning" is up next, they have presidential campaign and football. we are talking ravens are on the road against kansas city. pats and facing off against peyton manning. congratulations to dan. we love you. best of luck buddy. >> we miss you dan. >> bye bye. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838


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